New Non-Formal Course Entry

Non-formal course is defined here as a course that need not be offered by an accredited academic institution in the ASEAN member country and need not lead to a degree, certificate or diploma.
Please fill the forms bellow and press submit when you are done.
  • Choose AMS Country name
  • Enter a general description of course program (i.e. first day will be classroom lectures, second day will be a field trip, etc)
  • The audience can include school children, university students (specify level), government officials, professionals
  • What is the course meant to achieve?
  • How is the course going to be taught?
  • Enter the name of the subjects tught (i.e. principles of environmental communication, etc.)
  • If an impact assessment by the organizers was done, please enter the information.
  • Enter the number of times the course is offered in one calendar year. Indicate if the course is held on a regular basis/held occasionally based on circumstances/one time course (i.e. held twice regularly every year; one time course held in 2002)
  • Commencement

    Pick the starting and end date. Choose the approximate date ONLY if the exact date is not defined
  • Only Fill this if the exact starting date is not known. Indication of the month and year is necessary (i.e. from March or June 2013 to August or July 2014).

  • NameDesignationE-mail Address 
    Add a row
  • NameDesignationE-mail Address 
    Add a row

  • Prepared By

  • Authorized By

    The consultant does not need to fill this. This is for ASEAN Secretariat’s purpose

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.