Environmental Education and Awareness

Organiser : LAO-DEPP

Target Audience : Mass media, mass organisation , staff from line ministries at central and local levels.


Overview :

Provides the basic knowledge of environment management and develop the strategy and action plan on EE.

Objective :

To understanding of sustainable development

Course Content :

To provide an introduction to EE and To provide a framework for the development of an EE Strategy and Action plan for Lao PDR, an introductory course in EE for members of EEWG

Delivery Method : Training, Field visits, Presentation, Participatory Workshop session, and Assignment

Contact Person :

Name Salutation Designation Email
Dr. Viengsavanh Doungsavanh Mrs Deputy Director
Kongsaysy Phommaxay Mr Dir of Div
Somsanouk Phommakoth Mr Dir of Div