Training Course for teachers in Phu Quoc Island on Enviromental Education (EE) for Sea Turtle Conservation

Organiser : WWF Indochina

Target Audience : School Teachers

WWF Indochina

Overview :

This training aims to develop a curriculum for EE programme for schools in Phu Quoc, emphasizing on raising awareness related to local conservation of sea turtle and marine resources. The training concept is structured in order to guide participating teachers to use the set of education guidebooks “Save Sea Turtles and their Habitats” developed by IUCN project staff with contributions made by WWF’s EE Programme. These guidebooks are classified in accordance with different grade groups of schoolchildren: grades 1-3, grades 4-5, grades 6-9, grades 10-12.

Objective :

To provide teachers with knowledge on environmental education and setting EE school curriculums To strengthen teachers’ capacity and skills in developing and implementing school-based EE organisations with a focus on marine resource conservation To test the set of education guidebooks “Save Sea Turtles and their Habitats” in participating schools for a wider application in the future

Course Content :

Concept of EE; differences among environmental propaganda, communication and education An EE model for integrating EE into schools such as Marine Clubs Teaching and learning theories, how to apply teaching and learning theories to EE and how to design EE lessons Relation of different aspects such as human behaviour, economics, ethics and culture, to the environment Demonstration of EE activities Guide on how to use the education guidebooks “Save Sea Turtles and their Habitats” (including conduct of some sample activities and get recommendations from teachers on those guidebooks) Post course information sharing: Reporting method by trained teachers’ on the use of the guidebooks to deliver EE lessons

Delivery Method : Learner-centered approach with following methods Working in groups Buzz group discussion Small group discussion Brainstorming Presentation and discussion Role play Game Case study Handout Film watching Extra-class discussions and sharing of experiences Practical hands on exercises

Contact Person :

Name Salutation Designation Email
Michael Matarasso Mr. Environmental Education Program Manager

Frequency : One time course

Venue : Head Quarter of Phu Quoc Education and Training Division

Contact Hours :

Collaborating Organisation : IUCN Kien Giang Department of Education and Training Phu Quoc Division of Education and Training