Clean & Green Singapore Campaign

Implementing Organisation : National Environmental Agency

Type : Awareness, Partnership

Overview :

The Clean and Green Singapore campaign is a year-long campaign to promote environmental awareness and ownership amongst the community. The over-arching theme of CGS is “Adopting an Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyle”, which emphasises a continuous and sustained commitment in caring for the environment. Over the years, the campaign has become a national iconic event to celebrate Singapore’s environmental achievements, tackling environmental public health issues such as dengue or various environmental subject such as energy efficiency, recycling, waste minimisation and anti-littering. Organisations from the People, Public and Private sectors partner NEA or organise activities on their own, in conjunction with the campaign. Environmental awards are also presented to organisations and individuals who are active in promoting environmental awareness in the community and who have made significant contributions to the local environment, as a form of recognition for their efforts. 

Objectives :

To promote environmental awareness and ownership amongst the community.

Duration : Year-long campaign