Management and Operations of Swimming Pools

Organiser :

Overview :

This 2.5-day advanced course provides a comprehensive coverage of aspects of pool operations, maintenance and management of swimming pools. It will also briefly discuss health risks and maintenance of spa pools

Level : Construction Contractors, Pool Owners, Pool Managers/Executives, Plant Operators, Facilities/Building Managers/Executives, Pool Maintenance Personnel, and anyone who wishes to learn more about pool design and construction considerations, maintenance and operations.

Certificate Awarded : Participants will gain 17 PDU units upon completion of the course.

Objective :

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to understand and appreciate the design and construction considerations, maintenance and management of pools to be competent in supervising and/or carrying out daily operational activities within the legislative framework.

Curriculum Description :

Legislation and Code Of Practice on Swimming Pools
Disinfection and its Role in Safeguarding Public Health
Recreational Water Illnesses for Swimming Pools and Spa Pools
Water Problems
Filtration Systems and Recirculation
Pool Design Considerations
Pool Calculations
Pool Chemistry and Water Treatment
Trouble-shooting of Equipment Operation and Maintenance
Chemical Safety Case-studies
Emergency and Evacuation Plan
Water Conservation
Water Sampling Practical and Site Visit

Frequency :

Venue : SEI Training Room, 40 Scotts Rd #06-00 Environment Building, Singapore 228231

Contact Person :

Name Salutation Designation Phone/ Fax Email
SEI (65) 67319208


Course Fees : SGD $650 (incl GST)