Organiser : Mlup Baitong
Target Audience : Local community, Park rangers
Mlup Baitong
Overview :
The guide service is one of the income generation services in Ecotourism projects and in the national parks. Mlup Baitong educates local villagers and rangers who are interested to be tour guides, and train them how to be a good guide for Cambodian as well as foreign visitors. Guides learn environment concepts, communication skills, and English. There are many practical exercises and role playing. Participants also share local knowledge of flora and fauna.
Objective :
To provide guides with useful skills which will allow them to educate visitors and build support for conservation.
Course Content :
Introduction to Ecotourism and the role of the guide. The course covers Communication skills, Environment concepts, Sharing local knowledge, Practical exercises, Monitoring and evaluation,English language.
Delivery Method : Lectures, discussion, practical training on site, games, role plays.
Frequency : Course is held 2 afternoons per week.
Venue : School classroom, along the trail
Contact Hours : 8:00-12:00, 12:00-5:30 weekdays.
Collaborating Organisation : Ministry of Environment