Organiser : INA-IEEN (JPL)
Target Audience : Environmental Activists working for NGOs or other organisations (such as in media) INA-IEEN (JPL)
Overview :
Most activists are already educated but not in environmental education or organisational management. This programme aims to improve the skill of activists working towards environmental education.
Objective :
Improve skills of activists working in environmental education.
Course Content :
The program offers 3 basic components:- Strategic and Organisational Management; Environmental Education Program; Environmental Education Material and Media Development
Delivery Method : Workshop, Seminar, Field Studies, Practical Implementation and Evaluation
Contact Person :
Name Salutation Designation R. Eko Winarto, BSc Ir. Program Coordinator Latimah Hendarti Program Coordinator
Facilitator :
Name Salutation Designation Course leader varies – dependant on need
Frequency : Half-yearly
Venue : PPLH Seloliman, and Others
Contact Hours : Two weeks
Collaborating Organisation : Field Studies Council UK, (British Council)