Training of the Trainer

Organiser : LAO-ETC

Target Audience : STEA branches, Teachers, Trainers


Overview :

Based on National Environmental Education Action Plan is expended to decentralization between urban and rural. Education and Training will build and strengthen the capacity of Lao staff for the management and conservation of the natural resources, and the environment. These courses will contribute positively to the implementation of the National Priority Program, such as the Human Resource Development Program. This proposal will serve as an example for the integration of environmental concerns into socio-economic plans.

Objective :

Awareness of environmental education as a key aspect to consolidate a new culture and thus, to contribute to the solution of the environmental problems. A general views about where the environmental problems appear or are settled.

Course Content :

Part I (Fundamental Concepts on Environmental Issues): State of Environment; Environmental Issues; Public health in General; Part II (Environment Management): Method and Approach of Environmental Awareness; Environmental Policy and Public Awareness; Global Environmental Strategy and Public Awareness; and Environmental Management and Public Awareness.

Delivery Method : workshop and field visits

Contact Person :

Name Salutation Designation Email
Mr. Khampadith Khammounheung Mr Director of ETC
Chanthavixay Insysiengmai Mr Deputy Director