Organiser : LAO-DTT Overview : The environmental Education has been integrated as a part of population education and environmental education subject which has been taught in TTCs in the third semester of 8+3 training system. Level : Secondary Certificate Awarded : Certificate of Primary Teacher Objective : The Objective of the course are: To equip student teachers with […]
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Population Education and Environmental Education
Organiser : LAO-DTT Overview : The Environment Education has been integrated in population education and environment subject in Teacher Training College with 11+3 training system (grade 11+3 years of training in TTC). It is a compulsory subject for every student teacher. This subject cab be taught at TTC during the third semester or the fifth semester […]
Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NUOL)
Overview : This course provides basic knowledge about each type of natural resources. the course also outlines the causes of environment degradation, some techniques and methods to be applied in environmental protection. At the end of each topic, some useful recommendations are given. Level : Tertiary Certificate Awarded : Bachelor of Science Objective : To obtain knowledge […]
Human and Environment (LAO-NUOL)
Overview : This subject focuses on Geographical Environment which influence on the way of living of people. The subject indicates the problems which caused by modern technology and human activities. It also provides useful comments for solving the concerned problems Level : Tertiary Certificate Awarded : Bachelor of Science in Geography Objective : To obtain knowledge about […]
Environmental and Natural Resources Problems ( GG, NUOL )
Overview : This subject studies the environmental problems emerging from human activities, the vital necessity to improve environmental resource condition, including water, air, soil, forest, wild animals, minerals, and energy. It also studies ecosystem, pollution and the way to manage and monitor natural resources and environment. Level : Tertiary Certificate Awarded : Bachelor of Science in Geography […]
Environment Protection (LAO-FA)
The course provides scientific knowledge toward environmental issues, focusing on sustainable agricultural practice in the country. The course combines both modern global environment and traditional knowledge in order to let agricultural practice give the most benefit to the people and environment.
Training of the Trainer
Organiser : LAO-ETC Target Audience : STEA branches, Teachers, Trainers LAO-ETC Overview : Based on National Environmental Education Action Plan is expended to decentralization between urban and rural. Education and Training will build and strengthen the capacity of Lao staff for the management and conservation of the natural resources, and the environment. These courses will contribute […]
Environment (LAO-FoF, NUOL)
Overview : The subject provides basic knowledge about environment. The course is taught for first year students of School of Foundations studies and the second year students of the Faculty of Forestry. Level : Tertiary Certificate Awarded : Diploma and Bachelor of Science Objective : To understand the meaning, and the roles of environment, to know the […]