Course Name : Doctorate in Environmental Science
Organiser :
Overview :
The Ph.D. (Environmental Science) Program is a joint graduate degree program of several institute/departments of the College of Science. The participating institutes/departments include the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, The Institute of Biology, Institute of Chemistry, National Institute of Physics, National Institute of Geological Sciences and the Marine Science Institute.; The overall supervision and coordination of the Program shall be done by Environmental Science Graduate Program Committee (ESGPC) headed by the Environmental Science Program Coordinator. The ESGPC shall be composed of Ph.D. faculty members from participating departments/institutes actively involved in the implementation of the program.
Level : Graduate
Certificate Awarded : Ph.D. IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Objective :
The Ph.D. (Environmental Science) Program aims to develop students for careers in environmental assessment and planning and in environmental education. The Program envisions is to fill the need for highly trained environmental scientists in the government, private industries and educational institutions.
Venue : Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City